Ttb gauging manual table 4
ttb gauging manual table 7
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ttb table 3
ttb table 6
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ttb table 5
TABLH No. 1. 27. TRUE PERCENT PROOF. Temperature OF. 95. 9. 96. 8. 97. 7. 98. 6. 99. 5. LOO. 5. 101. 4. 102. 3. 103. 2. 104. 1. § 30.64 Table 4, showing the fractional part of a gallon per pound at each percent and each tenth percent of proof of spirituous liquor. § 30.65 Table 5, TABLE No. 6. BESPECTIVE VOLUMES OF ALCOHOL AND WATEB. - -. Proof. -. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 6 4 8 00. 48 50. 49. 00. 49.60. 60.00. Water. Vdum. 76. 79. 76.34. TABLE NO. 4. SHOWING. THE FRACTIONAL PART. OF A GALLON PER POUND AT EACH PERCENT TABLE NO. 4. GALLON,S PER POUNKLConlinued. Proof. Wine gal- lons per. Table 3. Determines the number of proof gallons from weight. Table 4 Showing Wine Gallons per pound andItem. "htm" text file. "pdf" file. 27 CFR Part 30 Gauging Manual Regulations (without tables). 27CFR 30.htm · 27CFR 30.pdf. -Gauging Manual Table No. 4
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